Giving Made Easy. One cent at a time.
Creative Brief
Create an effortless way for people to donate to charities. The process should be seamless and convient.
Select desired charities.
Set donation goal and deadline.
Sync to apps.
Timeline & Tools
This was a solo project crafted over a 12 week period.
Tools used for this project include Adobe Illustrator and Figma.
Process & Research
It is assumed that the user makes several purchases on their mobile device and would have more than one app to sync with ChipIn.
Tradeoffs include the teams page functionality of the application. Contributing indivudally may be the best option for initial launch.
It is required that the user complete purchases on their mobile device and sync their apps with ChipIn.
Competitor Analysis
Honey - A browser extension that allows its user to shop smarter by automatically applying coupons to customers’ shopping carts. This extension gave me the inspiration for the userflow proceds around ChipIn with regard to automatically contributing donations towards selected chartities.
Kiva MicroLoans - This application creates a easy microlending process for people around the world to donate to multiple causes with monthly reoccurence or a one time basis. Kiva provides monthly reports to its contributors.
ChipIn is different from its competitors as its intent to develop a quick and an efficient process of making donations to charities in combination with the syncronization with mobile app purchases is whats makes the app so unique.
Propsective End User
An ideal user for ChipIn is a contributor that wants an quick and effortless donation experience. A prospective user would make multiple purchases with mobile applications throughout the given week to get the most out of ChipIn. ChipIn is also designed for users who want to make budget friendly donations as well as those who would like to make larger contributions more often.
These sketches represent my initial thought process around the user flow of ChipIn. The idea of a quick and easy way to make a charitable contribution was the inspiration behind the simple set up process.
At this stage in the design process, the user flow is completely outlined and wireframes have been developed to serve as visuals in my design process. These designs include the home page, goal setting process, donation activity, and teams page.

ChipIn allows the user to enjoy a seamless and convient process of donating to a charity.
Users have the ability to select charities that are passionate about and contribute in a managable way.
Syncing to mobile apps creates an effortless way to contribute to organizations and varying groups in need.
The teams donation feature of ChipIn enables users to competitvely donate to charities and meet their team goals.
This project is unfinished but I plan to continue editing my interations of wireframes and tracking my progress. I intend to enhance and strengthen these designs to create visuals mockups.